Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#3 Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink TED Talk Response:

After watching Dan Pink's TED Talk,  one of the things I took-away was about doing things because you like to do it rather than getting a reward for doing it.  I agree with his point because, even in school, students perform based on grades and that is like a reward for students.  However, Dan Pink is saying that, with these ulterior movements, people do not try as hard with "rudimentary cognitive skills."  I believe that his point may lead to changes in job environments to an environment that is more "free" in order to produce the best ideas because I think that the pressure of rewards distracted the focus of these jobs.  Daniel Pink was very formal in his presentation but he still used humor to capture the attention of the audience.  He also captured attention using a power point as a visual aid and it helped to support his ideas.  He connected with the audience using humor but backed up his reasoning with logic and research validating his ideas.  This video gave me an explanation of the material we are learning in class and it helped me to connect to the concepts.  It gave me an idea about the world we live in today and the changes that may have to be made to fit the new styles of learning and working.  However, I do disagree partly with Daniel Pink's theory of higher rewards distracting from effective productivity because some people in society are motivated by money or other rewards and perform better this way.  Pink's point applies to education as well, however, I think it would be virtually impossible to stop giving grades as rewards.  The grades encourage students to work their hardest but it does not judge their learning, which is most important in my opinion.  This grading system has been in place for so long that I think would make it hard to rid society of and then students would not have a material reason to come to school yet this idea makes people think that the idea and desire of the thing is more important than the material reward.  Pink's idea about experiencing different things to increase focus and creativity can apply to the world and white-collared jobs that do more right-brained work.  I think that these conditions and styles of working will be effected by his idea because of different things instead of the same routine that occurs every day. Daniel Pink's idea about reward decreasing success with thinking jobs rather than with mechanical skill will effect education and jobs around the world.

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