Thursday, April 28, 2011

#5 Ric Elias

Ric Elias TED Talk Response:

You never know when your life will be turned upside down.  One day you are content and tucking your daughter in to bed and then the next, you are wondering when you will ever see her again.  Ric Elias talks about his experience in the Hudson Plane Crash and it's dramatic effects on his life.

Ric Elias started off by putting the audience into that kind of unexpected and devastating situation by describing his observations of the moments before the crash, sharing a glimpse of his experience.  Elias described his thoughts that occurred in that moment.  He found that he wasn't scared of dying but just sad.  I found that surprising because I would think that dying would combine fear and sadness because of the fear of what will happen once you are gone and sad that you will never see that life again and not be able to fix the relationships he had.  I have never had the experience of almost-dying and I found it interesting that Elias thought of all these things when his world was coming to an end, he was unselfish because he didn't feel sorry for himself but instead felt sorry for not being able to do anything else with the people that he loved.  Another point he bought up towards the end of his speech was about being a great father for his kids.  Elias presented this part with more passion and feeling than any other point in his speech to emphasize the point that really mattered for him, which was being there for his kids.  This became his overall goal in life, this was the moment where he saw what really mattered to him and now he is trying his hardest to accomplish it.

I thought that Ric Elias was an excellent speaker.  Ric Elias spoke confidently and from his heart which made his speech intriguing and awe inspiring.  His story was amazing and at times depressing, but he provided comedic relief to the audience so that his story was not so "dark".  His first-hand account of these events made it easy to put myself in that situation and I thought he was very strong for being able to move forward after these events and change his life using the experience.
 Ric Elias' talk moved me and I realized that I could use many of his tactics in my own TED Talk.  For example, sharing my experiences to connect with the audience and making my speech short but to the point.

Many people can learn from Ric Elias' experiences by living life in the present and not dwelling on the past.  He makes the best of life because he knows that it can take an unexpected turn at any moment.  I think that this is the most important part of his speech because life is too fast to dwell or regret, you just have to focus on what is important to you in the present.  I also found that you can't take life for granted because you will miss it when it's ripped from your grasp.  After listening to his speech, I have a question for you:  "What would you change?"

CHANGE - Connection to Tracy Chapman's Song

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